for block #335389
A total of 5 transactions found
Trans ID Block Timestamp Type From To Value Fee
142601091… 335389
3 years ago
Ordinary Payment TS-C6B8-E43E-VB4F-DG55X
83.86666667 TSIGNA
0.05145 TSIGNA
150519380… 335389
3 years ago
Ordinary Payment TS-4BKK-ZZYP-QGC8-HZL8K
16.44660194 TSIGNA
0.02205 TSIGNA
490603826… 335389
3 years ago
Ordinary Payment TS-XS4R-XUGL-PXS7-65J7H
70.10638298 TSIGNA
0.0441 TSIGNA
535505145… 335389
3 years ago
MultiOut Payment TS-QURT-QQY8-ER3L-3E44Y
Signum Speedway Test Pool
multiple recipients
see transaction details
2,208.50171051 TSIGNA
0.0147 TSIGNA
144876174… 335389
3 years ago
MultiOut Payment TS-QURT-QQY8-ER3L-3E44Y
Signum Speedway Test Pool
multiple recipients
see transaction details
1,503.97233751 TSIGNA
0.0147 TSIGNA