Transaction ID
Height 187617
541569 Block Confirmations
Type Reward Recipient Assignment
Timestamp 4 years, 2 months ago (2020-07-09 12:03:22 UTC)
King of Burstopia
To TS-DV6F-UN24-6LZ3-5NQY9
tross testnet
Value 0.0 TSIGNA ($0.0)
Fee 0.1 TSIGNA ($0.0003)
Version 1
Deadline 1440
Block Timestamp 4 years, 2 months ago (2020-07-09 12:04:25 UTC)
EC Block ID 16051449601613260846
EC Block Height 187606
Has message no
Has encrypted message no
Has Public Key Announcement no
Has Encrypttoself Message no
Sender Public Key 8902384CC54B84B69DA0431DED3859F8358B52F660F0DED10990D4DCD4AC4656
Signature 11B2EF2515720D1692CB69FD7C864E4A97F947D61A8D28CF74B5115EC92A2E0B24A71B362955249AD4B05BDEFF44C6D03A11054C46432B61AAC4BA74CAE752F6
Full Hash EFB9BC6B1510ACC65E6806EB552795C19D580A1814C92582D29DB6306B4F2E2B
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